AKLTG Named “Most Preferred Financial Educator” for the 5th Time at ShareInvestor Awards

AKLTG Named “Most Preferred Financial Educator” for the 5th Time at ShareInvestor Awards

Hurrah! We're happy to announce that AKLTG has once again been voted "Most Preferred Financial Educator" at the ShareInvestor Awards 2018. Thank you to all our supporters for making this possible. 🙂

A heartfelt thank-you message from our Chief Master Trainer Adam Khoo:

We would like to extend our appreciation to ShareInvestor Pte Ltd for organising the annual INVEST Fair. Thank you for giving recognition to the hardworking contributors of the financial education industry. It was a pleasure participating in this year's INVEST Fair at Suntec City Convention!

Some event highlights:

Principal trainer of XSPY Trader, Alson Chew, delivering his presentation on "Trading Market Manipulation: Insights from a Top-Profiting Former Proprietary Trader" to a full-house crowd.

Principal trainer of Dividend Streams Builder, Kenny Loh, sharing about "To Ace the REITs Race: Comprehensive Market Review of S-REITs and its Risks & Opportunities Outlook for 2018" to an eager audience.

Enthusiastic participants taking part in a lucky draw and games at our booth.


Thank you once again for making us your preferred choice! We will work hard to continue bringing you high quality financial education programmes. Transforming lives every day! 🙂